2-3-2006 August 14, 2008 at 4:24 pm

Ok so finally got internet at my new place, as well as still in the process of moving things from my old place to the new. So we’re still not 100% settled in yet, but about 95% at the moment. Busy is still the word for the new place since there is always something for me to do or fix, but thats how it goes in life. Anyways, I guess my site is gaining popularity despite i have hardly any guest book hits and my forums are still only in the single digits for members. Even with that in December I did 40GB of bandwith and January I did 52GB of bandwidth, so people are coming, they just are not saying they have been here. At any rate I did some cleaning of the movie gallery section since most of the bandwidth was used there, this way i won’t get over charged for maxing out my bandwidth quota for the month as its only Feb 2nd and already 4GB has been used. Now the movies section will mainly be what my freinds and I have made. Maybe some other very worthy videos will be hosted here too, who knows. Ok gotta go, got more shit to do! lol ~Gone

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