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Register for a new account here.

Ok due to spam bots attempting to register for new accounts here on my forums I decided to close the registration process in order to help weed out who the real users are. I will now setup all accounts for the site. You will need a valid e mail address to send me the required information as well as to recieve your account information once you have been approved by me. Please read the following link before you join to see if this is the right place for you.


Required registration information is below,

Send an e mail to rob@mestiso.net with the following:

1) Name
2) Location I.E. City, State and Country.
3) Age
4) Desired user name exactly as you want it spelled.

If I believe your information to be a real person who wants to contribute to this site then your account will be approved and your new account info will be e mailed to you.

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